Wednesday 26 September 2012

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w Freer of Slaves

let me be honoured with presenting another beautiful part of the life of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
and that is:
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w Freer of Slaves

He will always be known as the savior of the slaves. He made such rules so no slave could always  be slave. He made sure that every slave get his rights (actually there were no rights for slaves in that time they were treated as animals, he made rules for them and made sure that they are being applied, for example he said: do not put upon your slaves beyond their strength and if you do so than help them out yourself. etc) and respectful place in the society, in result they were freed, not freed only but most of them got high status in the society, some of them got wealthy, some of them led Muslim troops in battles  some of them became scholars in “Fiqqah” some of them became scholars in “Hadith” some of them became scholars in “Tasawwuff” etc.
Hazrat Zaid bin Harisa r.a was a slave, got freed and went on to led the Muslim troops while likes of Khalid bin waleed were also there.
Hazrat Salim bin Ma’qal r.a was a slave, was freed and became one of those four companions of whom Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said If you want to learn Qura’an, learn from them.
Among them is Muhammad bin seerin r.a he became a well known scholar in “Hadith” and “Fiqqah”
Among them is Muhammad bin Ishaaq r.a he became a great scholar in “History” and is a appreciated by masters in “history”. Etc

All of this is the result of the planning and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w . and this shows  his mental approach. He truly was the FREER OF SLAVES. May peace and blessings of Allah always be on him.

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